Publications - Programming Systems

Programming Systems

  • Serbanati L.D., Bogdan C.M., Programarea orientat spre obiecte cu exemplificari in limbajul Java (Object-Oriented Programming with Java), vol. 1, Polipress, pag. 249, ISBN: 978-606-515-109-3 (2010)
  • Bogdan C.M., Serbanati L.D., Programarea orientat spre obiecte cu exemplificari in limbajul Java (Object-Oriented Programming with Java), vol.2, Polipress, pag. 363, ISBN: 978-88-78061-67-5 (2010)
  • Giumale, C., Preotescu, D., Serbanati, L.D., Tufis, D., Tecuci, G., and Cristea, D. , Lisp, Technical Press, Bucharest, 1988 ( in Romanian)
  • Serbanati, L.D., Programming Languages and Compilers, Romanian Academy Press, 1987 (in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L. D., PASCAL for FELIX-PC, Newsletter of Technical Information, Nr. 1, Brasov, 1987(in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L.D., Cristea, V., and Popescu, C., MACRO-11 Laboratory Guide, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1986.
  • Serbanati, L.D., Cristea, V., Moldoveanu, F., and Iorga, V., Systematic Programming in Pascal and FORTRAN, Technical Press, Bucharest, 1985 ( in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L.D., Programming Languages and Compilers. Part 3: Introduction to Formal Systems, and Part 4: Compiler Design, Polytechnic Institute Press, 1983.
  • Serbanati, L.D., Programming Languages and Compilers. Part 2: Programming in Pascal, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1982.
  • Serbanati, L.D., Programming Languages and Compilers. Part 1: Programming Languages Theory, L. D. Serbanati. Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1981.
  • Serbanati, L. D., A Conversational ALGOL-60 Compiler, Fourth International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-4, 17-20 June 1981, Vol. III, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1981 (in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L.D., Bercaru, R. D., and Mandutianu, D. F., STAGE-2. Programming Manual, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1977.
  • Serbanati, L. D., Bercaru, R. D., and Mandutianu, D. F., Specialized Macroprocessor for Software Writing, In Automatics, Metrology, Computers, Vol. 27, pp. 103-115, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1978 (in Romanian).
  • Athanasiu, I., Necula, M., Serbanati, L. D., Cosma, M., and Popescu, C., Comparative Study of some BCPL Compilers, In Automatics, Metrology, Computers, Vol. 27, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1978 (in Romanian).
  • Athanasiu, I., Kalisz, E., Moldoveanu, F., Necula, M., Cristea, V., Giumale, C., Iorga, V., and Serbanati, L.D., Aspects of Real-Time Programming Languages Implementation, Fourth Symposium of Informatics, Cluj-Napoca, May, 1978 (in Romanian).
  • Necula, M., Serbanati, L.D., Cosma, M., Popescu, C., A New Program in the National Program Library: the BCPL Compiler for FELIX C-256, Fourth Symposium of Informatics, Cluj-Napoca, May, 1978 (in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L.D., Breazu, V., and Mancas, C., Conversational ALGOL-60 Syntactical Analyzer for FELIX C-256, Actual Problems in Informatics and Management, pp. 231-236, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1977 (in Romanian).
  • Athanasiu, I., Kalisz, E., Moldoveanu, F., Necula, M., Cristea, V., Giumale, C., Iorga, V., and Serbanati, L.D., Assessment Criteria for Real-Time Programming Languages, Actual Problems in Informatics and Management, pp. 244-250, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1977 (in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L. D., Metode si tehnici de asigurare a portabilitatii programelor, In Automatics, Metrology, Computers, Vol. 25, pp. 69-82, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1977(in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L.D., Breazu, V., and Mancas, C., and Nereantiu, V., Interactive System for Syntactical Analyzers Generation, The Second Symposium " Control and Information Systems in Industry", SAII-2, June 1977, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1977 (in Romanian).
  • Athanasiu, I., Kalisz, E., Moldoveanu, F., Necula, M., Cristea, V., Giumale, C., Iorga, V., and Serbanati, L.D., Design Requirements for a Real-Time Programming Language, The Second Symposium " Control and Information Systems in Industry", SAII-2, June 1977, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1977 (in Romanian).
  • Necula, M., Serbanati, L.D., Cosma, M., Popescu, C., BCPL. Programming Manual, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1976.
  • Necula, M., Serbanati, L. D., Cosma, M., and Popescu, C., BCPL – a Language for Program Writing, In Automatics, Metrology, Computers, Vol. 24A-B, pp. 345-360, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1976 (in Romanian).
  • Athanasiu, I., Necula, M., and Serbanati, L. D., Program Portability, In Automatics, Metrology, Computers, Vol. 20B, Pp. 201-206, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1975 (in Romanian).
  • Athanasiu, I., Necula, M., and Serbanati, L.D., Using BCPL for Compiler Implementation, The First Symposium " Control and Information Systems in Industry",, SAII-1, June 1975, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1975 (in Romanian).
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