Publications - Computer Science Foundations

Computer Science Foundations

  • Serbanati L.D., Towards a concern-driven design, in A. Bazac, G.C. Constandache, C. Ionita, L. Pana (eds.), Logic and social challenges, Polipress (2008) (in Romanian)
  • Bogdan, C.M., Serbanati, L.D., Formal modeling of concurrent AOP programs, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, Volume: 1 , Pages: 92-99, 2006
  • Serbanati, L. D., Cristea, V., and Popescu, C., Graphical Editor for Petri Nets, INFOTEC 88, vol. III, p.462, Bucharest, 1988 (in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L. D., Cristea, V., Porembschi, A., Sabin, M., Sabin, D., and Privache, A., Syntax Driven Data Processing, In Iassy University Annales, Tom XXXIV, S. I a. Matematica-Informatica, Fasc. 4, pp. 361-374, Iasi, 1988.
  • Serbanati, L. D., Cristea, V., Porembschi, A., Sabin, M., Sabin, D., Privache, A.,Syntax-Driven Data Processing, The 6-th Romanian Symposium on Computer Science, ROSYCS-87, University "Al.I.Cuza", 9-10 Oct., pp. 217-332, Iassy, 1987.
  • Popescu, T., Cristea, V., Dumitru, P., Giumale, C., Iorga, V., Moldoveanu, F., and Serbanati, L.D., Informatics Dictionary, Scientific and Encyclopedic Press, Bucharest, 1980 (in Romanian)
  • Preoteasa, P., and Serbanati, L. D. , Applied Mathematics for Informatics,  High school textbook, Teaching and Pedagogical Publishing House, 1980 (in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L.D., Automata Theory, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1976, 1979.
  • Serbanati, L.D., Formal Language Theory, L. D. Serbanati. Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1976, 1979.
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