Course description
This course provides an introduction to object-oriented
programming with the Java language. It introduces the main object-oriented
concepts: classes, objects, messages, encapsulation, static properties,
arrays, I/O and covers the fundamentals of the Java language. Students in
the course should expect to spend a fair amount of time on their own
developing programs. Programming, like most other skills, is best learned
by doing.
Prerequisite(s) & Corequisite(s)
Textbook(s) and web
1. C. S. Horstmann
and G. Cornell, Core Java 2: Vol.1 - Fundamentals ,
6/e, Prentice Hall, 2002.
2. Deitel & Deitel,
Java: How to Program
, 4/e, Prentice
Hall, 2003.
3. D. Geary, Graphic Java 2, v.1
- Mastering the JFC, 3/e, v.2
- Swing, Sun Microsystems Press, 1999-2000.
4. B. Eckel, Thinking in Java ,
3/e, Prentice Hall.
In Romanian:
6. A. Athanasiu et
al., Limbajul Java. O perspectiva pragmatica , Ed. Agora, 1996.
7. S.Tanasa, C.Olaru, S.Andrei, Java de
la 0 la expert ,
Polirom, 2003.
Course objectives
The course objectives are:
- To
introduce the Java language as a true object-oriented language.
- To
develop skills in the software design and programming using Java and
its standard class libraries.
- To
develop understanding of problems and build skills in the use of
abstraction in order to manage the problem complexity.
A student completing this course should:
1. Have a clear understanding of the OO terminology generaly
and that used to describe features of Java.
2. Be able to design and write Java programs to solve moderately complex
problems that meet requirements expressed in natural language.
3. Have a clear understanding of what comprises a correct program in Java.
4. Be able to understand the Java API documentation.
5. Have an informal understanding of the semantics of object-oriented
programs in terms of responsibility and collaboration.
Topics covered
Introduction to programming languages. Computer organization. Hardware vs. software.
Computer programming. Programming language taxonomy. Syntax vs. semantics
of a programming language. Syntactic component hierarchy. Compilers vs.
interpreters. Developing computer programs. Run-time environment.
Characteristics of the Java language. Writing a Java program. (4h).
Fundamentals of Java programming.
1. Data Side. Data types and their representation
in memory. Variables. Variable declarations. Right- and left- value. Constants.
Data encapsulation: data structures.(3h).
2. Algorithm Side. Operators and expressions.
Operator precedence. Declarations vs. instructions. Assignment instruction.
Control flow instructions. Compound statement. Algorithm encapsulation:
methods. Method parameters. Parameter passing mechanisms. Method
overloading. (4h).
Introduction to object-oriented
programming. Conceptual side:
concepts and their relationships. Computer side: encapsulating data and algorithms.
Concept instances vs. objects. Class concept. Class vs. object: static modifier. Class members.
Class declaration. Global vs. local variables. Name visibility: public and private. (4h)
Using classes. The String
class. Dealing own classes. Static variables and methods. Object
construction. Constructors. Class packaging. Java packages. (3h)
Arrays. Array declarations. Dealing with arrays.
Multidimensional Arrays. Passing arrays as method parameters. (3h)
Exception handling. Dealing with errors. Catching and handling
exceptions. (2h)
Streams and Files. Data
streams e their hierarchies. Putting
streams to use. Reading with BufferedReader. Writing with PrintWriter. File Management.
and StringTokenizer.
This is a list of the main laboratory topics:
1. Program compilation, debugging and
execution, basic elements in Java.
2. Variables, expressions, instructions.
Writing static methods.
3. Strings.
4. Decisions, selections and loops.
5. Loops vs. recursion. Recursive algorithms.
6. Defining own classes. Dealing with instance
7. Constructors. Method overloading.
8. Arrays .
9. Dealing with more classes. Packages
10. Input/Output operations on files.
11. Input/Output operations on files.
12. Final exam simulation.
There are 12 short assignments (exercises given in
class), due one week after the students get them, and one or two small
- The
short assignments will cover all chapters of the course and put into
practice concepts of object-oriented programming, and their
relationship to the Java language. Assignments should be prepared for
the next class period. Some may be collected for grading; others will
be reviewed in class using Java 1.4 SDK that is available on the
lab PCs. The student is strongly encouraged to install a copy on
your own PC from the Sun web site.
- The
projects give the students an opportunity to integrate their knowledge
from all the topics
covered during laboratory classes and apply them to a problem in an
area that interests them. The projects should be delivered at last two
weeks before the final examination. Students must pass the project
portion of the class to pass the class.
Attendance at each laboratory
is required!
40% Final exam (individual quiz + one program to be developed)
60% Semester activity
- Labs and lectures attendance (10%)
- 2 pre-announced tests (30%)
- Lab activity/homework assignements
(20 %). The points per
assignment will vary depending importance and effort.
This course is about computer programming using the object-oriented paradigm. It
emphasizes principles of sound design and good programming practice, aimed
at developing programs of high quality and maintainability. Object-oriented
programming is not so easy and involves creative design and a significant
theoretical background. Perseverence and
discipline are mandatory attitudes in object-oriented software development.
Programmers derive great satisfaction from seeing their object-oriented
designs come to life, but they have to invest a lot of time and thought.
Upon completion of the course, participants will have both the theoretical
knowledge and practical experience to use Java to design small programs.
Such a course actually belongs to the background of any engineering field.