Estimating the Trend of the Italian Earthmoving Machinery Market (Web Version)

COMAMOTER is the group of the Italian earthmoving machinery manufacturers within UNACOMA, the Italian association of tractors and agricultural machinery manufacturers, members of Confindustria – the Italian Federetion of the Industry.
COMAMOTER carries out a service of information, assistance for its members and representation of the sector which applies to all fields, on a national and international level and, lastly, besides periodically gauging the trend of the Italian market in the sector, participates in the intercontinental statistical programme within the framework of CECE/AEM and publishes estimates on production, imports and exports of earthmoving machinery, as well as surveys and statistics on the trend of the European market in the sector.
In order to estimate the trend of the Italian market of earthmoving machinery, COMAMOTER organizes trimestral gathering of statistical data from all most important manufacturers. This data is analysed and processed for obtaining tabular statistics that are then broadcasted to all manufacturers. An information system was designed and implemented to process sales data and manage these statistics in 1996. For 10 years this system functioned successfully. To the end of 2005 COMAMOTER asked the porting in web of the system.

A new system was designed and implemented where the earthmoving machinery manufacturesrs are the main users. They can manage sales data in their own spaces, view tabular statistics, upload their trimestral sales and download the total sale. A privileged user manages users as well as the archive.

Client : UNACOMA, the Association of Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers.

Activity description : Overall realization and exclusive maintenance.

Environments/Tools used : Browser, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, DHTML.

Skills/Roles : Project manager, analyst, software architect, programmer.