The project is about a software engineering environment (SEE ), that is a collection of methods and tools aimed to support the software process. The project's central idea is to model a software as a multifaceted artifact. Each facet type is actually an aspect of the future product that concerns the stakeholders. In order to avoid redundancy, the facet types should be as much as possible orthogonal with each other. The author claims that once all concerning aspects identified, the facet collection represents the system itself. The work precedes and announces recent research in aspect-oriented programming and concern-oriented modeling.
To build a system we should implement and integrate all its facets. In order to build and control a facet we should associate it with appropriate methods and tools. From these steps of the designing procedure, an approach to structuring of SEEs derives.
Moreover, the project proposes a technological environment for software development. This environment has basically four interrelated entity types: objects (intended as endurant entities), activities, agents, and tools. Any business can be described in terms of this paradigm.
The theoretical results of this project was presented in “Integrating Tools for Software Development”, a book written for Yourdon Press Computing Series, Prentice Hall.

Sponsor : Institute of Information Technology, Bucharest , Romania .

Activity description : Obtained research grant. Carried out the conceptual model and the system architecture. Directed and organized the development team (5 permanent members and 5-8 students). Managed the system implementation. Wrote technical reports.

Environments/Tools used : PDP-11/RX11, C.

Skills/Roles : Promoter of the research topic and principal investigator. Project originator and manager, systems and software analyst, software architect.