Luca Dan Serbanati
     Object Oriented Programming
     Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages. Computer Science Courses
     Second Year. Fall 2011
     Laboratory: Teaching Assistant Andrei Vasilateanu,
                         Teaching Assistant Radu Ioanitescu,
Email:    URL:
General Information:
Course syllabus
Course: 2h/week
Lab work: 2h/week
Credit points: 3

Grading and workload
Marks from 0 to 10 will evaluate the following activities:
Semester activity (weight in final mark: 60% )
  - Labs and lectures attendance (weight:10%)
  - Lab activity+homework (weight: 20 %)
  - 2 Tests (weights: 15%+15%)
Final verification (weight in final mark: 40% )

1. Laboratory attendance
- Attending the labs is not optional: 12 lab sessions should be attended in order to have the total possible attendance points. You can miss two lab sessions without losing points.

2. Homework
- Every weekend a pre-lab assignment for the following week's lab will be posted on the web.
- The students are expected to work the pre-lab exercises by themselves as homework before the next lab. All homework should be completed before the lab and ready to be defended during the lab.

3. Tests
Up to two tests are scheduled during the semester (nov. and dec.). Test grading has an important weight in the final mark.
Note. If sincere effort was made during regular scheduled lab, in order to obtain a better final grade, up to one missed or poorly done test could be redone.

4. Final verification
A programming proficiency final test consisting in answering exam questions and open-book development of a Java, GUI-based application. The final verification is scheduled in the last two weeks of the semester.

A mark less than 5 at the final verification, whether other marks are, obstacles the exam passing.

"Programming Languages " course

Laboratory Schedule: Topics/ Homeworks
The lab assignments will require knowledge of materials covered by the course lectures. Topic and homework assignment for the next week will be released before the weekend.

Lab Week Homewk./Test

Lecture Schedule
The lectures are delivered modularly.
Date/Time /Room 

1. Student unable to present their identification document are not accepted for examinations.
2. In order to allow the scheduling of examination groups all students who want to partecipate in September at exam re-doing have to indicate by e-mail their preference (only one of the following two dates):
Date/Time Event

Lecture notes: Not available. The students are warmly invited to attend the course's lectures.

English books:
1. C. Horstmann, G. Cornell
[1] Core Java 2, Vol. I - Fundamentals: 7/e, Prentice Hall, 2005

Romanian books:
[2] L.D.Serbanati, C.Bogdan,
Programare orientata spre obiecte cu exemplificari in limbajul Java, vol.2, Politehnica Press, 2010/2011
Visits from 04 January 2005: 68892 Last update: 25 May 2012