About me - Books - Integrating Tools for Software Development
Integrating Tools for Software Development, Yourdon Computing Series, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1992, ISBN: 0134684710                                                 contents
The book is the result of an intense research work carried out during the late ‘80s. Its main topic is the software process as a framework for software development activities. The book's central idea is to model a software as a multifaceted artifact. Each facet type is actually an aspect of the future product that concerns the stakeholders. The book claims that once all concerning aspects identified, the facet collection represents the system itself. The work precedes recent research in aspect-oriented programming and concern-oriented modeling.
To build a system we should implement and integrate all its facets. In order to build and control a facet we should associate it with appropriate methods and tools. From these steps of the designing procedure, an approach to structuring of SEEs derives. Moreover, the project proposes a technological environment for software development. This environment has basically four interrelated entity types: objects (intended as endurant entities), activities, agents, and tools. For each of them a formal model is proposed. In the late ‘90s other authors found fundamental for systems modeling the same entities, but with other names: business object, business activity, worker, and resource. In the last part of the book INTERFORM, a software engineering environment that integrates these models, is presented.

The book:
- Examines the need and consequences of software engineering and discusses the software process concept and its various models in use.
- Emphasizes the role of design in software engineering and suggests a model for software objects. The model is based on various facets (aspects) a software object has.
- Presents a wide-ranging discussion about software activities and a Petri net-based model of cooperation of activities.
- Looks at the similarities as well as the differences of human- and machine-based agents.
- Builds a model of software tools meant to be used in integrated software engineering environments.
- Discusses the management main functions in terms of the considered models and issues necessary to modeling of management activities.
- Introduces a technological framework for software industrial production.
- Explores the architecture of a software engineering environment developed by the author and deals with the SEE database.

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