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Journal Papers
- Serbanati, L.D., Ricci, F.L., Mercurio, G., Vasilateanu, A., Steps towards a digital health ecosystem, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Volume 44, Issue 4, pag. 621-636, August. 2011.
- Bogdan, C.M.; Serbanati, L.D.,Formal modeling of concurrent AOP programs, , International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, Volume: 1, pag.: 92-99, 2006
- P.Fazi, L.Collada Ali, D.Luzi, F.L.Ricci, L.D.Serbanati, M.Vignetti, A Proposed Clinical Trial Model: Analyzing the CT Process, Applied Clinical Trials, Advanstar Communications Inc., Jan. 2006.
- Popovici, D.M., Gerval, J.P., Chevaillier, P., Tisseau, J., Serbanati, L.D., and Gueguen, P., Educative Distributed Virtual Environments for Children, Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 2(4), 18-40, oct-dec, 2004.
- Serbanati, L. D., Beyond the Object Oriented Analysis, In Studies in Informatics and Control, vol. 3, No. 1, Informatics and Control Publications, Bucharest, pp. 59-74, March 1994.
- Serbanati, L. D. and Cristea, V.,Protocol Validation for Systems with Distributed Control, In Newsletter of the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Tom L, pp. 51-68, Bucharest, 1988.
- Serbanati, L. D., Cristea, V., Porembschi, A., Sabin, M., Sabin, D., and Privache, A., Syntax Oriented Data Processing, In Iassy University Annales, Tom XXXIV, S. I a. Matematica-Informatica, Fasc. 4, pp. 361-374, Iasi, 1988.
- Serbanati, L. D., PASCAL for FELIX-PC, Newsletter of Technical Information, Nr. 1, Brasov, 1987(in Romanian).
- Serbanati, L. D., Bercaru, R. D., and Mandutianu, D. F., Specialized Macroprocessor for Software Writing, In Automatics, Metrology, Computers, Vol. 27, pp. 103-115, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1978 (in Romanian).
- Athanasiu, I., Necula, M., Serbanati, L. D., Cosma, M., and Popescu, C., Comparative Study of some BCPL Compilers, In Automatics, Metrology, Computers, Vol. 27, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1978 (in Romanian).
- Serbanati, L. D., Metode si tehnici de asigurare a portabilitatii programelor, In Automatics, Metrology, Computers, Vol. 25, pp. 69-82, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1977(in Romanian).
- Necula, M., Serbanati, L. D., Cosma, M., and Popescu, C., BCPL – a Language for Program Writing, In Automatics, Metrology, Computers, Vol. 24A-B, pp. 345-360, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1976 (in Romanian).
- Dudas, T., Serbanati, L.D., and Grunwald, B., A Program for the Study of the Compression Engine Thermic Cycle, In Newsletter of the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Nr. 1, 1975 (in Romanian).
- Athanasiu, I., Necula, M., and Serbanati, L. D., Program Portability, In Automatics, Metrology, Computers, Vol. 20B, Pp. 201-206, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1975 (in Romanian).
- Serbanati, L. D. and Moisil, D., Numerical Calculus from Ellipsometric Data of the Parameters of an Absorbing Film on Absorbing Sublayer System, In Studies and Research of Physics, Tom 27, nr. 3, pp. 223-238, Bucharest, 1975.
- Moisil, D., Boiangiu, D., and Serbanati, L. D., Ellipsometric Study of an Organic Inhibitor Action on Steel Corrosion, In Revue Roumaine de Physique, Tome 20, Nr. 4, pp. 393-397, Bucharest, 1975 (in Romanian).
- Dimo, P., Athanasiu, I., Cristea, V., Moldoveanu, F., and Serbanati, L. D., SISIF-1, a FORTRAN Interactive, Multi-Access System, In Problems of Automation, Vol. 8, pp. 165-173, Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 1974 (in Romanian).