About me - Books - Programming Languages and Compilers
Programming Languages and Compilers, Romanian Academy Press, 1987 (in Romanian)

- This book is a survey of the theoretical basis and main techniques for the definition and implementation of programming languages.
- The book provides an analysis of the fundamental notions underlying the constructs of programming languages and a thorough introduction to compiler design with the mathematical concepts which underlie it.
- The material in this book has been taught for ten years as a two-semester course in the fourth year of courses in Computer Science at the Politehnica University of Bucharest. Providing enough material for a two-semester course, the book covers the theoretical background of parsing and translation, while remaining focused on techniques which are of practical use to software developers. Assuming knowledge of programming in more languages, this text is perfect for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in programming language theory and compilers.
- In the book the most hot topics of the programming languages during ‘60s and ‘70s are introduced and discussed: imperative, functional, and logical paradigms in programming, compilation vs. interpretation, compiler vs. assembler, the compilation process, records, arrays, strings, pointers, variables, scope vs. life-time, scope rules, early and late bindings, regular and context-free grammars, scanners and parsers, syntax directed translation, attribute grammar, expression evaluation, semantic analysis, control and data flows, data types, type checking, code optimization techniques, and many others.
- The book has three parts:

  • Part I explains the central concepts used in modern programming languages: the hierarchical structure of programming language components, modular program and memory management at runtime.
  • Part II introduces compiling theory concepts: formal models for programming language syntax and semantics, and translation and their properties.
  • Part III of the book deals with the design and the construction of compilers for high-level programming languages. It has a similar presentation to that inaugurated by the "dragon book" but with different emphasis on topics.
- The book is a good starting point for anyone who needs to create a compiler, parser or scanner, but didn't read anything about compiler design theory yet. It is completely self-contained and assumes only the familiarity with programming languages and the mathematical sophistication commonly found in undergraduate courses.

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