Publications - Software Engineering

Software Engineering

  • Bogdan, D. Luzi, F. Ricci and L. Serbanati, Towards an Ontology using a Concern-Oriented Approach for Information Systems Analysis, Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications, IESA 2007, Enterprise Interoperability II, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84628-858-6_36,Part IV, 329-332,Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal, 2007
  • Bogdan C., Serbanati L.D., Concern-Oriented and Ontology-Based Approach to Constructing Facets of Information Systems, Proceedings of ICSOFT 2007: 2nd International Conference of Software Engineering and Data Technologies 2007, pag. 220-223, Barcelona, Spania, 22-25 July 2007
  • Serbanati, L.D., Management of Object-Oriented Software Projects, Information Society Symposium, “Politehnica” Univ. Press, Bucharest, 2000.
  • Serbanati, L. D., Beyond the Object Oriented Analysis, In Studies in Informatics and Control, vol. 3, No. 1, Informatics and Control Publications, Bucharest, pp. 59-74, March 1994.
  • Serbanati, L. D., A method for conceptual oriented analysis, Ninth International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-9, May 1993, Vol. II, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1993.
  • Serbanati, L.D., Integrating Tools for Software Development, Yourdon Computing Series, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1992.
  • Serbanati, L. D., Cristea, V., Sabin, M., Sabin, D., Porembschi, A., and Kovari, G., Software Process Specification Language, The 7-th Romanian Symposium on Computer Science, ROSYCS-89, University "Al.I.Cuza", pp. 340-346, Iassy, 1989.
  • Serbanati, L. D., Cristea, V., Porembschi, A., Sabin, M., and Sabin, D., Integrating Software Tools in a Software Environment, INFOTEC'88, vol. I, p. 465, Bucuresti, 1988 (in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L. D., Trandafir, I., and Cristea, V., Framework for Program Development Technology, INFOTEC 88, vol. I, p.462, Bucharest, 1988 (in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L. D., Cristea, V., Porembschi, A., Sabin, M., and Sabin, D., Integrating Tools for Software Development, The National Symposium on Computers and Process Control, pp. 141-144, Timisoara, 1988.
  • Serbanati, L. D., INTERFORM: A CAD System for Program Development, Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 9), 7-9 Sept., Monterey, Calif., 1987.
  • Serbanati, L. D., Integrated System for Software Development, The 7-th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-7, 27-30 May 1987, Vol. II, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1987(in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L. D., Cristea, V., Porembschi, A., Sabin, M., and Sabin, D., Software Tools for Program Development, The 7-th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-7, 27-30 May 1987, Vol. II, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1987.
  • Serbanati, L. D., Program Design as a Systematic Activity, Seventh Congress on Cybernetics and General Systems, 7-9 Sept., London, 1985.
  • Serbanati, L. D., Towards an Intelligent CAD/CAM system for program development, IFIP W.G. 5.2 Working Conference on Design Theory for CAD, 1-3 Oct., Tokyo, 1985.
  • Serbanati, L. D., Towards a model of program design methods,  in Action Logic. Studies, C. Popa (ed.), pp. 57-76, Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1983 (in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L. D., A Model of Program Design, Fourth International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-4, 17-20 June 1981, Vol. III, pp. 290-295, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1981 (in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L. D., Program Design and Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania, 1981(in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L. D., Moldoveanu, F., and Cristea, V., Aspects of Program Testing Automation, Informatics for management. Progress in Romanian Informatics, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1980 (in Romanian).
  • Serbanati, L. D., Moldoveanu, F., and Cristea, V., Towards a program testing methodology, Third International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-3, 14-16 June 1979, Vol. I, pp. 1172-1183, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1979.
  • Moldoveanu, F., Serbanati, L.D., Cristea, V., Tufis, I., Tufis, D., and Chirita, D., A system for test data generation, Third International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, SAII-3, 14-16 June 1979, Vol. I, pp. 1184-1195, Polytechnic Institute Press, Bucharest, 1979.
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