About me - Technical Reports


  • Serbanati, L.D., Introduction to Object Oriented Modeling, Technical Report, Institute for Studies on Research and Scientific Documentation, National Research Council, Rome, Italy, 1994 (in Italian).
  • Serbanati, L.D., Guideline-oriented Modeling of Health Care Units, Technical Report, Institute for Studies on Research and Scientific Documentation, National Research Council, Rome, Italy, Sept. 1996.
  • Bordin, C., Pisanelli, D.M., Ricci, F.L., and Serbanati, L.D., Object Oriented Modeling of Medical Guidelines and Activities, Technical Report, Institute for Studies on Research and Scientific Documentation, National Research Council, Rome, Italy, 1996.
  • Olivetti Ricerca, Serbanati, L.D., et al, Communication and Interaction between Heterogeneous Applications. System Functional Specification, In Integrated and Integrable Information Systems for Hospital Management, (Theme 1, Phase 1.2.1 of the Italian National Programme for Telemedicine) Rome, Italy, Oct. 1997.
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